Saturday, May 15, 2010

Spirit Guides

I'm Native American, I believe I'm from the band of Cherokee that inhabits the mountains of Western North Carolina (I've not officially traced my heritage but my birth father's Grandmother was Native American and he had the distinct features). I've always felt a strong connection to nature, animals and especially hawks. In April 2001 my Grandfather was dying of prostrate cancer and had requested to pass at my parents home. It was a Friday morning and I had just stepped out my back door to take my son out to swing in the yard. I had not been swinging him long when I saw a hawk flying straight instead of the usual gliding, circle type motion I've become used to and mesmerized by the beautiful motion of just gliding on the wind and being free. Only a few moments passed and I saw another hawk flying in exactly the same manner. This was just so unusual, so I stepped out from under the tree I was under and walked out to the middle of the yard to look up toward my parents house. When I looked back I saw at least 5-10 hawks circling in the sky high above their house. This puzzled me, so I watched for a minute or so then stepped back to continue pushing the swing which had stopped. It wasn't but a couple of minutes later when my mom called and told me that my Grandfather had passed away. That day the hawks were taking my Grandfather's Spirit to be with his ancestors. I feel that my Spirit Guide is a hawk and whenever I see one I know that I'm following the path I'm suppose to be on.... I try to always look for my signs!

Submitted by:  RH